Here at The Body Bar, we believe that natural cosmetics are essential for healthy, glowing and vibrant skin. Through research and experience, we have designed this workshop to teach you the art of making your own tailor-made natural cosmetics. The Body Bar workshop series is designed to teach you the methods and formulas used in the making of natural cosmetics. With modern insight and easy access to previously non existent natural ingredients, The Body Bar has designed formulas that moisturise, condition and pamper the skin like never before and is willing to share this precious knowledge with you.
So what will you gain?
The very first thing you will gain is the knowledge and experience on how to make the different products. The second win for you, is the confidence to create natural cosmetics that will benefit you and your loved ones.
Upon completion, you will be given The Body Bar, the art of making natural cosmetic manual which include the formulas of the following:
A Soap, An Exfoliator, A Body Cream, A Deodorant,
You will also receive in your manual, information on the ingredients used, the importance and use of each products and special tips on how to optimise the use of your products.
Last but not least, you will also receive in your manual a list of web sites and blogs that will assist you in this fulfilling creative process. You will also be given a list of the materials used during the workshops and how to purchase them.
How does The Body Bar workshop series work?
There are a lot of products to cover, therefore The Body Bar workshop series will run over 4 sessions to give you all the information your need.
Session 1: 4 hours (R500)
Cold Process soap method
The first part of the session includes detailed explanations and information on the cold process soap making method. In the second part of the session, we will be making cold process soap. Everyone will make a bar of soap and of course gets to keep it.
Session 2: 2 hours (R300)
The first part of the session includes detailed explanations and information on exfoliators and their purpose. In the second part of the session, we will make an exfoliator for everyone, which of course, you get to take home...
Session 3: 3 hours (R400)
The absolute skin saving essentials
During the first part of the session, I will give you important information on the very important action of moisturising and we will then make a delicious body cream. The second part of the session will include an informative section on deodorants and of course, we will then make one for everyone.
Session 4: 2 hours (R300)
We will spend the first part of the session looking at the amazing natural ingredients in the bath goodies we will make and their benefits for the skin. We will then make these goodies in the second part of the session.
Sessions can be attended independently as each session is complete in itself.
If you choose to enrol and make payment now on all 4 sessions, a discounted price of R1,300 applies.
The cost of the workshops include all the raw-material you will use during that workshop so no sourcing and no further monies are required. All the tools and equipment will be on site. All you need to do, is wear comfy clothing be get ready to have fun and learn!!! We will also discuss some packaging ideas for your natural products...
Workshop times and days
Week end Workshop: Maximum of 20 people
Saturday Session 1 (9am-13 pm)
Sunday Session 2 (9am -11 am)
Sunday Session 3 (11:30 am- 14:30 pm)
Sunday Session 4 (15 pm-17 pm)
Week day Workshops: Maximum of 4 people
Monday Session 1 (9am-13 pm)
Tuesday Session 2 (10 am-12 pm)
Wednesday Session 3 (9 am-12 pm)
Thursday Session 4 (10 am-12 pm)
Week night Workshops: Maximum of 4 people
Monday Session 1 (17 pm-21 pm)
Tuesday Session 2 (18 pm-20 pm)
Wednesday Session 3 (17 pm-20 pm)
Thursday Session 4 (18 pm-20 pm)
Once per week Workshops: Maximum of 4 people
Saturday Session 1 (9 am-1 pm)
Saturday Session 2 (9 am-11am)
Saturday Session 3 (9 am-12 pm)
Saturday Session 4 (9 am-11am)
Our scheduled workshops:
Week night workshop from the 25th-28th of April
Week night workshop from the 2nd-5th of May
Week night workshop from the 9th-12th of May
Week night workshop from the 16th-19th of May
Week night workshop from the 23rd-26th of May
Once per week workshop
Session 1: 7th of May
Session 2: 14th of May
Session 3: 21st of May
Session 4: 28th of May
Week night workshop from the 2nd-5th of May
Week night workshop from the 9th-12th of May
Week night workshop from the 16th-19th of May
Week night workshop from the 23rd-26th of May
Once per week workshop
Session 1: 7th of May
Session 2: 14th of May
Session 3: 21st of May
Session 4: 28th of May
For more information, contact Sarah
Landline: (031) 702 1759
Mobile: 076 545 7970